Jessica and Madi had a very special connection. When Jessica came on our Disney trip with us, they made fast friends. We all had a great time. By the time Jessica came back to visit just a few months later, Madi’s health had seriously declined. Madi could no longer articulate her words, she couldn’t walk, and sleeping was little more than an illusive dream. Jessica gave her all her medicines, helped her sleep at night, and miraculously understood everything she said. When Madi would wake up in the night, Jessica would rub her back and gently help her back to sleep. Jessica was amazing, and I think that a special and unique bond was formed through this service.
When Jessica got the call that Madi had passed away, it was very hard for her. She wrote a letter to Madi and has allowed me to share it here. Jessica also worked very hard on a dance solo that she dedicated to Madi.
Regarding her solo she wrote:
"Angie and Jay, I can't even explain in words the feeling I get when I do that dance for Madi. It feels like she is right there with me. The purple hair piece is my little piece of her I have to remind me why I love this routine so much. I dance for her now and she gives me strength. I couldn't have done it without her (especially with some injuries). Every time I perform that the pain goes away. She was incredible, and I only hope to continue to inspire others through her incredible story. Thanks for all of the compliments!! That dance doesn't even do it justice compared to everything she went through. But it is my way of coping with it all, and it's my way of connecting with her still."
I love you, Jess.
The Letter:
November 8, 2011 8:45 am
Dear Madi,
You passed away this morning at about 3a.m. You were a fighter. One thing I've learned through all of this is that we all have a purpose while we're here on earth. You definitely fulfilled your purpose here. You are now with Heavenly Father who missed you so much. He loves you without end and I know he loves me too. Death ends a life Madi, not a relationship. I know I will see you again. You have taught me so much about life and living for a purpose. I promise I will live a righteous life so I will be able to live with you again. My life is going to be different now. I will love more, dance harder, serve others, and live my life to the fullest because you taught me how precious life is. We can't take any of it for granted. I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with you. You are my little angel. I know that you aren't in pain anymore. I really think that is what brings peace to my heart. The cancer was too strong for your fragile body. But everything's okay now. After drill this morning I had a text from my dad saying, "Call me." I knew something was wrong so I called him immediately. He told me what happened and that you had passed away peacefully in your sleep. I had my team around me, comforting me. I couldn't go to school so I went home. Driving home I could literally feel your arms around me. I love you Madi. These passed few days have been pretty stormy and windy here. But, today everything feels calm. As I look out the window, there is so much peace in the way everything stands still. It is a beautiful morning. I can feel you sweet little spirit.
The night before you passed I texted your mom and said, "Give her a kiss for me". My mom and dad had just told me that the doctors were going to take you off your medication and you would not have much time left. It was hard to hear but I knew deep down that this would be for the better. What makes your passing so comforting is knowing your aren't in pain anymore. You are in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father and you are completely at peace. Knowing that makes me at peace too. You're story has touched and inspired many lives. I will never forget the memories we made together. You will forever be apart of my life even though you are physically no longer here. Thank you for being such an example to me Madi. I know that when I pray and ask my Heavenly Father for blessings that it will be you who he sends down to help me. You are my guardian angel.
I love you with all of my heart Madi.
Your cousin,